茶道具のカラーリングをデザインの参考に。CMYK、RGB、ウェブカラーのパレット “Utensil for tea ceremony coloring codes for design”


津軽塗の唐塗とは? 青森県漆器協同組合連合会ホームページからの引用です

This is a Tsugaru-nuri Karanuri. I use it as a tray for dried sweets. I bought this when I went on a trip to Aomori before.
Here is quote from Aomori Lacquerware Cooperative Federation website.

唐塗独特の複雑な斑点模様は、何度も塗っては乾かし、そして研ぐという作業を繰り返し、 全部で四十八の工程から生み出される。

Kara-nuri is the most popular style of Tsugaru Nuri and  has the longest history. Kara-nuri is characterized by the speckled  spots made using a special pallet knife with multiple circular holes.  The lacquer is applied using this special tool, dried, then polished, a  process that is repeated over and over again.
The number of steps in  making a piece of Tsugaru Nuri adds up to 48. Each product is a  one-of-a-kind item due to the intricate and time-consuming nature of the  craft. This uniqueness is one of the highly valued features of Tsugaru  Nuri. 
The word "kara" of Kara-nuri stands for something that is unique and exceptional. 


CMYK、RGB、ウェブカラーのパレット  Utensil for tea ceremony coloring codes: CMYK,RGB,Web for design

R:129 G:28 B:33 / #811C21
C:50 M:100 Y:100 K:20
R:0 G:70 B:48 / #004630
C:100 M:70 Y:100 K:20
R:47 G:33 B:36 / #2F2124
C:90 M:100 Y:100 K:30
R:167 G:127 B:0 / #A77F00
C:20 M:40 Y:100 K:30
R:212 G:216 B:206 / #D4D8CE
C:5 M:0 Y:10 K:20


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